Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I did it!

 Well I finally did it! I started a blog...just for me. Just for whatever my little brain wants. I am very excited! I will be adding some pics from the last few days from our Tewnty-twelve-365 in pictures from facebook.  Cover page
 Day 1- Micah and I watched all 3 Narnia Movies to start the new year! It was wonderful! Forgot just how awesome these movies were!
Day 2 Micah stood in the snow for me, but he would NOT smile, that's my TEENAGER!!


  1. Yay Yipppppeeee Wooo hooo...Susan has a blog!!! Hoooray!!! Big Hus - LORi

  2. Welcome to blog world. Great pictures.
    From my experience, you have to catch them off guard to get the smile; or wait for the school picture.
